Here are some of the arrests that took place this weekend in Madison County.
Elvis Isaacs (Age 27): Disregarding a stop sign, rear license not illuminated, failure to or improper signal, reckless driving, fleeing or evading police 1st degree (Motor Vehicle), Wanton Endangerment 1st degree, Wanton endangerment 1st Degree (Police Officer), Leaving the scene of an accident-failure to render aid or assistance, Failure to wear seatbelt, criminal mischief 1st degree, Operating a motor vehicle under the influence Alc/Drug/etc. .08 (AGG CIRCUM) 2nd degree
Anthony Johnson (Age 37): Public Intoxication-Controlled substance(Excludes Alcohol), Trafficking a Controlled Substance 1st Degree 1st offense (>or = 2gms Methamphetamine), Trafficking in a controlled substance 1st Degree 1st Offense (< 2gms fentanyl) Possession of a controlled substance 1st degree 1st offense (Drug Unspecified), Possession of of Marijuana.
Pamela Krise (Age 22): Operating on Suspended or Revoked License, TBUT or DISP Shoplifting U/$500, Possession of a controlled substance 1st Degree 1st Offense (Methamphetamine), Drug Paraphernalia- Buy/Possess
Johnny Meadows (Age 43); Bail Jumping 1st Degree, Failure to Appear, Contempt of Court Libel/Slander resistance to order, failure to appear, contempt of curt libel/slander resistance to order, no registration plates, no registration receipt, operating on a suspended or revoked license, license to be in possession, Failure to produce insurance card.
Kristen Saylor: Public Intoxication-controlled Substance (excludes alcohol), Resisting Arrest.